Call on MPR Landscapes to plant the perfect tree to complement your property at the right place in your yard.


Some of the things you need to consider for choosing the right tree include:

❓ How tall a tree do you want?

❓ What shape tree best suits your requirement?

❓ How much sun the tree will be exposed to?

❓ What is the soil composition?

❓ What berries, nuts, or seeds might it drop?

In order for your tree to survive and thrive in its new abode you need to bear in mind the following:

🧠 Check for and mark underground utilities

🧠 Make sure the planting hole is dug to the right depth and width

🧠 Plant tree at the appropriate height, with trunk flare visible

🧠 Ensure correct posture; with straightening, staking, and tying the tree

🧠 Get rid of packaging and fill the hole tight

🧠 Add mulch around the tree


MPR Landscapes can plant your tree anytime throughout the growing season and will help you properly care for your newly planted tree. We will show how to water and how to help the tree sustain the transplant shock. Ideally your tree should get enough time for its roots to become established in your yard before temperatures become too extreme.

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