MPR Landscapes offers snow removal and ice control services in a certain radius from its office. Our team of snow professionals are standing by 24/7 during a snowstorm and are ready to act during severe weather. We help businesses to function by shoveling sidewalks and clearing out driveways and parking lots. We bring the training, expertise, and equipment to keep your property accessible and secure for residents and customers.
Keeping foot traffic areas, frequented by employees and visitors, free of ice and snow is essential to limit your liability exposure. Our crews are skilled to clear out sidewalks, aprons, dock areas, and dumpsters to keep them usable through the winter. Our crew are trained to ensure proper application of any de-icing chemical or salt. We also program return visits when slow-moving storms continue to unload snow and freezing rain. We also arrange for contract haulers in the event snow hauling is required.
Our snow management services consist of:
Sidewalk cleaning
Ice control
Snow stacking
Arranging for snow hauling
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